Dark Souls : Steam For Mac

Dark Souls : Steam For Mac Average ratng: 4,7/5 2943 votes

If the Dark Souls series has captivated you then our curated list of games like Dark Souls offers titles with similar combat that is dark and difficult.Released in 2011 for consoles Dark Souls was intended to be a spiritual successor to Demon’s Souls. Dark Souls strips down the action role playing genre to it’s roots, focusing on a dark atmosphere and brutal difficulty level that saw countless gamers hooked and craving more games with Dark Souls combat and mechanics.In Dark Souls you’ll travel the land of Lordran, a somewhat open game world that has countless threats around every corner but also secrets to uncover. Scattered around this harsh environment are the bonfires which serve as the only safe point in this darkness. Paired with notes left by other players will need to take every edge they can.This lack of safe locations combines with the use of death as a teaching tool to create one of the toughest role playing gameplay mechanics in recent years, a core part of the franchises success in the genre while also giving birth to a whole new 'souls-like' genre.The games like Dark Souls here focus on other action role playing games with similar combat that also emphasise a dark atmosphere and higher than average difficultly level.

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